Expedition 2024
For our 6th Coastal Research Expedition, we will hike eastwards from Pringle Bay to Struisbaai, a distance of approximately 220km.
The expedition will start on the 5th October and finish on the 18th October.
Expedition Objectives
The goal for our second series of expeditions is to get a comparison of the ocean plastic waste and fishing debris along the shoreline that we have already surveyed. To this end, we will again use a combination of survey methods to capture geo referenced data using CyberTracker.
Expedition Survey Methods
Trashy20 Survey
Conducted every 5km, this survey entails collecting and categorizing all plastic waster and fishing debris in three 10m x 2m transects.
Mini Transects
A total count of micro plastics, nurdles and plastic bottle tops along a random transect of between 1m and 10m.
Bottle Transect
A total count of plastic bottles over a measured distance.
Incidental Survey
Documentation of plastic waste and fishing debris not included in structured surveys.
Marine Fauna Surveys
Documenting the number and status of marine fauna seen. Details of injury and possible cause of death are also recorded, especially plastic ingestion, entanglement and ghost fishing.
African Black Oystercatcher Survey
A focused survey of this species to map the population density variations along the shoreline. Read a report on the factors influencing the variations of African Black Oystercatcher population density in the Southern Cape : Read Here
Cape Clawless Otter Survey
A focused survey of this species to map the population density variations along the shoreline. In addition to live sightings, we record scat and spoor.
Special Focus
In August 2020 approximately 176tons of plastic nurdles were lost at sea along the Eastern Cape coastline. From November 2020, a three year cleanup program was conducted by SpillTech. The clean up operation was a manual process involving sieving sandy beaches and removing the nurdles. During the sieving process, large amounts of micro plastics were also collected. Sadly, the protocol, because it was not within the nurdle cleanup contract, was to dump the micro plastics into piles on the beach after the nurdles had been removed. On our 2021 expedition, we documented numerous plastic middens between Struisbaai and Pearly Beach. This was a lost opportunity to remove micro plastic from the shoreline.
Ghost Fishing and Monofilament
The sheer amount of washed up monofilament, lost and discarded by recreational fishermen, along this section of the coastline is the density that we have recorded on our expeditions. A consequence of this is the associated high record of ghost fishing mortalities, particularly of small sharks species
Support and Sponsorship
The success of each of the Strandloper Project is entirely dependent on a phenomenal team of volunteers and sponsors. Our core requirements for each expedition are accommodation, fuel, catering and apparel, especially all weather protection. Contact our team by email to find out how you or your company can support Strandloper Project on their valuable citizen science research expedition. |